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En esta web se presentan todos los retos realizados a lo largo del curso 2021-2022 en MP15: Proyecto del CFGS de Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos, biotecnologicos y afines: la creación de una empresa, la elaboración de una vela aromática y la síntesis de paracetamol.


El objetivo general de este proyecto es poner en práctica y consolidar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de todo el ciclo realizando los diferentes retos en el tiempo preestablecido. 

Captura de pantalla 2022-05-30 a las 14.00.34.png


My name is Mireia Lora, I am 29 years old, I live in Badia del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain.


I have created this space where I will be exposing the whole process of the final project. This project consists of being able to link all the theoretical knowledge of the different subjects that we have acquired with our practices in laboratories.


We have created 3 independent projects, in wich we will test our knowledge:

  1. The creation of an enterprise

  2. The manufacture an aromatic candle

  3. The synthesis of paracetamol


I have created a space for each of them where the sections that it have to include are exposed.


Mireia's Project has been created with the intention of sharing this final project with you so that you can enjoy it as much as I do.

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